I closed (not deleted but just closed) 2 threads that had devolved in 2 party pissing matches.

I hate closing threads. Not something I want to spend my time doing but these really go nowhere. I really do try to give as much room for debate as I can which is why there is a .gov subforum and we discuss .gov stuff here ALLLL the time.

But when the threads start out as or turn into the left sux, no the right sux, no the left does, FU you the right does...

Well, I just think that is below us. All of us. I know we all have biases. If you truly think you are absolutely right and have no bias then you're not fooling anyone except yourself. But those predispositions wont be mean a hill of beans when the collapse happens.

So, I have no intention of trying to change anyone's mind politically. And if threads degrade into left vs right shoolyard brawls, expect me to close them. unfortunately.

Having said that I should also say I am very encouraged by how very few times this has come up. So we are definitely proving my belief that we are above that BS. I guess sometimes we just need a slight course correction.
