Well.... at least, maybe..... TPTB won't be looking there FIRST for all the people who might be "non-mainstreamers" or "rebels" or "terrorists" or whatever label they might be wanting to subscribe to non-traditional [aka party-line] thinkers. Don't get me wrong - I'm not on anyone's "side" - but perhaps, just perhaps, having that forum wiped could be a reprieve no one is thinking about. It might just grant a few extra days of "investigation" time for those needing it.

==I know - perhaps, just perhaps - I'll be regretting this post or will get a ration of S**T for it, but, there it is== (mods - delete if controversial)

I enjoyed La**c while it existed and now I find my connections hither-wise. I'm sure many/most of you have done the same. Why not let what has passed, be past?