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Thread: Rare, occassional forum thread weirdness - is it just me?

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  1. #1
    Economic Refugee Doomsteader's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Lawn Guyland

    Rare, occassional forum thread weirdness - is it just me?

    This has happened in the past a few times, and I'm getting it right now with the current thread:

    Here’s Why a Prepper Homestead May Not Be a Good Plan for Survival

    This thread is currently 2 pages long.

    When I click on "2", it leaves me at page 1.

    The only way for me to see page 2, is to use the "jump to" feature.

    I'm using IE as my browser.

    Anyone else experiencing this?

    Not a biggie, mind you, just a tad annoying.
    #fuckwashington oh, and #fuckalbany, too

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Wow... someone who still uses IE?

    I've never seen that (I primarily use FF), but the one thing I have seen lately is I'll post something with a quote, and then I'll want to go back and edit it (say it posted with some cut&pasted stuff I didn't want in there, or want to bold some little bit or something) and when I click on 'edit' it comes back with a blank editing box. I've tried clearing cache, I've tried another browser (IE), etc. Either I 'copy' the entire post, then say 'edit' (getting a blank box) and paste the whole thing in - and then have to add the quote tags, etc in there again, or I just give up and leave it as-is if it was just wanting to add bolding or something as not worth the hassle. Haven't figured that out, just annoying - best I've figured is it only happens with something quoted in the post.

    Only started happening fairly recently (past 6-9mo's say), I'd never seen it before then. And sometimes I can edit it once, and then say see a typo and go to fix it and... poof, sorry, black box on an edit. Every single time after on that post.

  3. #3
    Economic Refugee Doomsteader's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Lawn Guyland
    Wow... someone who still uses IE?
    I switched to Firefox, which was better than IE - until the latest FF update, that is. Now back to using IE, since it's currently the least worse of the 2.
    #fuckwashington oh, and #fuckalbany, too

  4. #4
    Nomad in the Time Stream A.B.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I haven't noticed that problem with Chrome or Opera.
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