As I asked Steve last week, what is his purpose in being here?
I don't believe him to be an outright troll, but he is right close to my definition of one. He does seem to take pleasure in goading members here into constant arguments. He doesn't seem to buy into peak oil, he really believes the recovery is quite real, and he comes across as smug and superior which is hurting the value of any of his arguments, no matter how legitimate they might be. Everyone has a right to their opinion, but if you are on a doomer board and don't believe in the doom or simply want to debunk it, then you are a troll.

My frustration with him is that all he contributes to the board is a general dissention to whatever doomerish conclusion the majority of us draw from the news and current events. Now, I appreciate multiple points of view, and I believe that dissention is necessary to avoid the herd mentality, but that is ALL he offers.

I would welcome him back, smug superiority complex and all, if he can just agree to lay off the constant PhD crap and stop trying to debunk all the doom.

Thank you Alex for trying to be even handed and open minded, but I do appreciate the break, as he was really starting to get to me late last week.