An area dedicated to the lady preppers among us. By invite only.
For general news that doesnt apply to any other area look in here.
If it revolves around climate change and the disasters that can occur from that you will find it here.
This pretty much is self explanatory. Societies are in collapse worldwide. Look for cultural info here.
Economies and currencies are entering critical times. Doesnt matter where you live, you're likely part of some system. Look here to find news that concerns your pocketbook.
Governments have been in the war game since governments existed. Look for info regarding ongoing wars, upcoming wars and any other dirty deeds.
Anything related to epidemics, disease, or other related disasters can be found here.
Most industrial infrastructure is being used way beyond it's intended lifecycle. Stuff is just plain falling apart. Look for infrastructure collapse info here.
Stuff is just plain running out and with that comes a world of issues. If it deals with peak oil, peak water, or peak anything... look here first.
If it's happening 'out there', you can find it in here. NOTE: This is not for tin... :-)
The grid is balancing on the head of pin in many many countries. Electricity and technology are not just luxuries but fundamental to the life of millions. When it goes... it will be ugly.