was there am here
was there am here
I was there and am here, too. I forget what my name was 'back in the day', but since I'm older than dirt (81 y/o), I guess I'm allowed. I do lurk still, however. It's great to see all the old timers still on board.
The Uncertainty Principle • "It proves we can't ever really know what's going on" .......... A Serious Man
I mostly lurked at LATOC. Found it in 2006 and haven't been the same since.![]()
I was at LATOC, and here,too. Don`t post much, but read almost every day. Mt 70th is coming up in a few months. Us "mature" types seem to be well represented.![]()
[I]I have figured out I'm not a half glass full/empty person, I'm a "be grateful you have a damn glass AND something in it!
The school of hard knocks does not offer a tuition assistance program.
The time to build an Ark is when the sun is still shining.
The problem is...we are all part of the problem.
The Post Apocalyptic Starvation Diet will succeed where all other diets have failed.
The lack of the ability to adjust to new and different circumstances is by very definition the inability to evolve and as with all things that fail to evolve, they are doomed to extinction.
I was on latoc from the very beginning (in late 2005?). I enjoyed the lively discussion and debates though I rolled my eyes with Matt's red alert and double red alerts on his new page. I was in my mid thirties when latoc started and am in my mid fourties now. For me at least, a lot (deaths in family, financial upheaval/business implosion, discovering psychic phenomena/life after death, new friendships, getting cabin in woods) changed over the years though my overall outlook has not.
BTW, does anyone know what happened to Jeromie?
I'm glad you asked Zac, I would like to know where Jeromie is. My memory gets fuzzy but I seem to recall he abandoned LATOC when he correctly called the natural gas fracking revolution which did come to pass. I seem to recall posters were all over him on his views about this. He was right....natural gas today is $2.80 US / MMBtu. At one point 8 years ago I think the number was about $15.00 /MMBtu. I really enjoyed his posts, he made sense. Disclaimer, I'm assuming Jeromie was a male - I just can't remember...no matter, made a lot of sense.
Jeromie was banned for being right. He's not the only person that happened to.....
I've given up on waiting for other people to get it. Now I'm waiting for it to get them.
Yeah, I remember that whole phase with Jeromie. I thought Jeromie was terribly bright and was disappointed at the disappearance of such a lucid poster from LATOC. Sometimes, though, people just disappear from our circles, both virtually and otherwise....for a whole slew of reasons. It is cool to look back and realize I've been fraternizing with some of youse since 2003 when I joined LATOC....That was one of the very first forums I ever joined and I lurked for almost two years before saying a peep! So much to wrap my poor head around, and I was kinda intimidated by them doomers![]()
Last edited by ouroboros; 02-14-2015 at 01:07 AM.
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. --R.W. Emerson
Yep, this seems to be the forum that stuck the most for me post-LATOC.
Trust me, doomers are over rated, LOL. I miss level headed people like Jeromie. He brought a tempered and thoughtful position to the discussion. Intelligence is not to be tolerated, sometimes. I'll give a couple of examples - the "birthers" - those who think President Obama is not a valid US citizen - utterly and remarkably daft. The other example is one that is near and dear to this forum - namely that 9/11 was a government conspiracy and the buildings in NY were brought down by previously planted explosives. I have never read such horsesh*t in my entire life - it eclipses the so called Kennedy assassination conspiracy. Sorry, I ain't buying the crap....
Hi anarchist. I was on LATOC but only for a few years, not as long as many others.
"You either get busy livin' or you get busy dying". - The Shawshank Redemption.
"You get old and you realize there are no answers, only stories". — Garrison Keillor.
Oh, I'm SURE he's a valid US citizen, but NOT sure he was born here. But you know what? Just like another remnant of the past(sound money, backed by gold and silver), it doesn't matter one whit to me whether he was born here or not. In fact, since it's obvious we "can't get good help anymore", locally, we should open up the opportunity to be POTUS to ANY US citizen, born here or not. This way, *I* could runthe "birthers" - those who think President Obama is not a valid US citizen![]()
#fuckwashington oh, and #fuckalbany, too
Don't tell me you really believe the "Official Story"??The other example is one that is near and dear to this forum - namely that 9/11 was a government conspiracy and the buildings in NY were brought down by previously planted explosives. I have never read such horsesh*t in my entire life
#fuckwashington oh, and #fuckalbany, too
These days I am very active in the FaceBook group, Near Term Human Extinction Support Group. After reading Guy McPherson and Robin Westenra I had an aha moment and realized that all the years of prepping and building my doomstead don't mean shit because of run away climate change and global warming. I have spent the last decade preparing for a world made by hand. However, it is useless when climate change totally messes up your growing season. Last year, I had no stone fruit in my orchard because of a hard freeze in May killing the blossoms. The only fruit I had were asian pears. My vegetable garden did fine and I was able to preserve food for the winter (we grow about 70% of the food we eat.)
I consider the LATOC members here to be my long term friends, sharing a common purpose. However, it is all turning to shite because you can't prep for 140 degree summers.
Peak oil is so last decade. NTHE is the new black.
It is never too late to have a happy childhood.
Ha, yeah Swampman, I've been thinking the same too re Peak Oil.
Funny thing, we're now in "official drought" in much of NZ although at our place we're fortunate that we still have unlimited water. Hardly anything has been watered much this Summer though for one reason or another and yet EVERY fruit and nut tree and vine we have (grapevines in particular) is loaded with more fruit than it's ever had before. Even visitors are commenting on how much fruit there is going to be.
Heavy fruiting in these dry conditions? As my 83 year old father says Mother Nature knows something. I notice our old oak tree, which seems otherwise healthy, is throwing off big branches as well. It's never done that before.
Sometimes when an elderly female animal, say a mare or a bitch, begins to fail and get sick, lose condition etc you know what they'll very often do? Come in season. It's like Mother Nature thinks they should make one last ditch effort to reproduce again before they die even if the timing and circumstances are far from ideal.
Some of the pears are falling off the trees which means we should have swarms of bees feasting on them on the pathways like we always have had. Only this year - no bees on the pears. Where are all the bees?
"You either get busy livin' or you get busy dying". - The Shawshank Redemption.
"You get old and you realize there are no answers, only stories". — Garrison Keillor.
Yo. Was on Latoc but didn't post much...I was pretty much a deer in the headlights then.
I'm one of the, ahem, "mature" folks. But older women rock, we know what we have, how to use it, and found a sense of humor about it. It's all good (till the SHTF)