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Thread: Old LATOC members?

  1. #81
    Speechless in Seattle Annihilatrix's Avatar
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    Moving forward in all directions
    Where is Dennis
    Assume crash position.

  2. #82
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2021
    Yes I was there. Alex Scarrow's Last Light book pointed me in the direction on LATOC. I'm English so not many of us there but it was a fascinating forum until it went. I then learnt of Agenda 21 after...

  3. #83
    jack o' fall trades BigGreenFrog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CLINT View Post
    Yes I was there. Alex Scarrow's Last Light book pointed me in the direction on LATOC. I'm English so not many of us there but it was a fascinating forum until it went. I then learnt of Agenda 21 after...
    Welcome. Please post your info from England.
    The school of hard knocks does not offer a tuition assistance program.

    The time to build an Ark is when the sun is still shining.

    The problem is...we are all part of the problem.

    The Post Apocalyptic Starvation Diet will succeed where all other diets have failed.

    The lack of the ability to adjust to new and different circumstances is by very definition the inability to evolve and as with all things that fail to evolve, they are doomed to extinction.

  4. #84
    Pagan Gardener woodsy_gardener's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreenFrog View Post
    Welcome. Please post your info from England.
    I second that.
    I think the coming UK collapse will precede the USA collapse.
    Nice to get some UK news from the front line.
    F W S S Be prepared or be prepared to die.

  5. #85
    Senior Member Zac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by woodsy_gardener View Post
    I think the coming UK collapse will precede the USA collapse.
    Nice to get some UK news from the front line.
    What do you envision this collapse to look like? I don't have a good idea, but my view has evolved over the past couple decades as I recognized the system is more robust and resilient than I had thought. I find it hard to imagine how it could be worse than has has occurred in places like ukraine, syria, or lebanon. And the circumstances in those places are much worse than in the UK and US so wouldn't expect it to get that bad here.

  6. #86
    Pagan Gardener woodsy_gardener's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zac View Post
    What do you envision this collapse to look like? I don't have a good idea, but my view has evolved over the past couple decades as I recognized the system is more robust and resilient than I had thought. I find it hard to imagine how it could be worse than has has occurred in places like ukraine, syria, or lebanon. And the circumstances in those places are much worse than in the UK and US so wouldn't expect it to get that bad here.
    We live in a highly networked society with the inertia to absorb failures but if the failures come faster than they can be resolved the failures cascade and system collapse follows. The population bomb, climate surprises, pollution of all kinds, political clowns and thieves, etc are black swans coming home to roost. War, starvation, disease, murder, and suicide will reduce the human population of the planet to less than 1 billion maybe a little more if we're lucky. Interesting times indeed!
    F W S S Be prepared or be prepared to die.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by woodsy_gardener View Post
    We live in a highly networked society with the inertia to absorb failures but if the failures come faster than they can be resolved the failures cascade and system collapse follows. The population bomb, climate surprises, pollution of all kinds, political clowns and thieves, etc are black swans coming home to roost. War, starvation, disease, murder, and suicide will reduce the human population of the planet to less than 1 billion maybe a little more if we're lucky. Interesting times indeed!
    Also, I think people in the US feel more entitled and are less tolerant of hardship, so they will turn to violence faster than people in countries with a more active memory of what real hardship is like.
    Judge carefully the rhythms signifying prosperity and those which spell regression. --Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings

  8. #88
    Senior Member comrade simba's Avatar
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    Hi clint... I remember seeing your name on latoc.
    Not only do the American people have no idea of what is going on, they also have no idea that they have no idea.

    “When they started with the gerbils, I knew it was time to leave.”
    -Aleistar Crowley, exiting a Los Angeles party

  9. #89
    jack o' fall trades BigGreenFrog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zac View Post
    What do you envision this collapse to look like? I don't have a good idea, but my view has evolved over the past couple decades as I recognized the system is more robust and resilient than I had thought. I find it hard to imagine how it could be worse than has has occurred in places like ukraine, syria, or lebanon. And the circumstances in those places are much worse than in the UK and US so wouldn't expect it to get that bad here.
    Bloated is not robust and elastic is not resilient.

    We are still running for two and only two reasons:
    One, there is currently enough energy to make the system operate.
    Two, people currently wish to continue to play the game.

    The minute that either of those two things fails to over.
    The school of hard knocks does not offer a tuition assistance program.

    The time to build an Ark is when the sun is still shining.

    The problem is...we are all part of the problem.

    The Post Apocalyptic Starvation Diet will succeed where all other diets have failed.

    The lack of the ability to adjust to new and different circumstances is by very definition the inability to evolve and as with all things that fail to evolve, they are doomed to extinction.

  10. #90
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    That's a good way of putting it BGF.

  11. #91
    Senior Member
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    S.E. Queensland, Australia.
    What do you envision this collapse to look like?

    Simply put, North Sea oil kept Britain afloat & then Arab oil money buying real estate & their banking sector helped too but as systems get tighter & less convivial the rich will desert ship further weakening the system that is a BAU system under stress, such as food & petrol shortages, & head for places with a better future where their real estate investments will gain in value ( the reason the wealthy, sports & movie stars etc buy exclusive properties ). I have not really been keeping up with the super rich so do not know where they are buying now. Are they still buying collapse properties in NZ & Tasmania? I believe Australia is still a sought after destination but Covid has warped figures for the last two years.

    So Britain will just slowly keep slipping down the slope till it becomes another 3rd world country unless she comes up with something new to export or sell off or technology that gives her a temporary boost.
    The solution to pollution is dilution, says Fukushima power plant operators .

  12. #92
    Senior Member Deckard1973's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreenFrog View Post
    Bloated is not robust and elastic is not resilient.

    We are still running for two and only two reasons:
    One, there is currently enough energy to make the system operate.
    Two, people currently wish to continue to play the game.

    The minute that either of those two things fails to over.
    That right there.
    If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.
    - Mark Twain

    "Do your own research, make up your own mind, think for yourself."
    - Sharyl Attkisson

    If the Russian oligarchs are bad, what makes the US oligarchs good?

  13. #93
    Senior Member Quiet Doomer's Avatar
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    Welcome Clint! I don't remember your name from back then, but I would love to hear about what you think and what you're seeing in the U.K. Also, I hope you've continued to decouple from major systems and worked on a resilient lifestyle. Cheers!

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