good to see so many of us are still around (I started reading Matt's news headlines back in 04)

I didn't even know what a forum was back then or realize one existed - sorry I missed all the fun of the early years

it was a steep learning curve for me too - still learning

I started blogging much later - the H1N1 flu pandemic - it took awhile for me to find my voice

its been an interesting journey - watching doom and the evolution of doomers

and it feels a little odd being one of the youngsters in this crowd

unfortunately, I never had the close personal connections and emotional investment that some here have

but I still consider most of you friends, however real or virtual you may be

doomers tend to be a lonely bunch - doom watch a lonely business - its nice to have some sense of community/see familiar "faces" (even if its only an avatar)

for good or ill, LATOC changed my life I suspect it did most of us